
Guide to
Mobile Testing

Automate tests on native and hybrid mobile apps - Android and iOS

Create tests in plain English using NLPs

Run mobile app testing on 2000+ real and virtual devices on Cloud


How it works

Mobile App Testing: Detailed Guide With Best Practices

Mobile App Testing: Detailed Guide With Best Practices

What Is Mobile Application Testing?

Mobile application testing is a process through which applications being developed for mobile devices are tested. The main focus is to test the apps for functionality, usability and stability.

Mobile application testing is vital for an app’s survival in today’s market. To assure the best possible quality for the end users - the application is also tested from various other aspects including its performance, security, and the UI.

Why Mobile Testing Is Important For Your App

In the current app-development scenario, apps need to be tested across various mobile devices and operating systems to check their compatibility, usability and consistency. In order to build applications that are scalable and accessible across multiple platforms, automation testing can be used.

As manual testing is time consuming, costly, and prone to errors, it makes sense to leverage automation for a wide range of repetitive tasks, such as regression and performance testing.

Automated testing will allow the testers to quickly check the new or recent updates or changes in the application for errors, defects, and vulnerabilities. Additionally, it helps them to:

Run tests on multiple devices in parallel

Reuse tests

Get enhanced coverage

Achieve better ROI


Testsigma is a cloud-based test automation platform with automation support for all kinds of mobile applications.

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Types Of Mobile Apps

Here are the three basic types of mobile applications:

Native Apps

Native apps are developed for a specific platform or operating system (OS). As they focus on a single OS, they have an added advantage of being faster and more reliable in terms of performance but are costly to maintain.

Web Apps

Web apps are similar to native apps with the basic difference that it can be used via a web browser on mobile devices. It has low development costs but is entirely dependent on the browser used on the device.

Hybrid Apps

Hybrid apps are the combination of both native and web-based apps. They use a web view control in order to present the HTML and JavaScript files in a full screen format. These apps are cost-friendly and quick to develop but unlike native apps, they lack power and speed.

How To Test a Mobile Application Using Testsigma [Step-by-Step Process]

Step 1

Sign up/Log in

Create a free account on Testsigma to access the tool dashboard and start the test creation process within seconds.

Testsigma - features

Harness Testsigma’s low-code capabilities and expansive library of 3000+ real devices for unmatched mobile testing efficiency.

Sign up for a free trial

Why Testsigma for Mobile Testing Automation?

Easy Installation

Easily kickstart your mobile application testing journey, in seconds, by creating an account on Testsigma Cloud.

Run Tests on Cloud or Locally

Choose from 3000+ cross-browser and mobile device environments available on cloud or locally.

Get in-depth Insights

Receive real time, actionable insights into performance of test suites for Android and iOS applications

Easily Author Test Cases

Simplify test case creation through the mobile recorder option and pre-defined NLPs to author complex test cases in simple English

Test on Real Devices

Effectively run test cases on several real devices to replicate the user conditions precisely

Mobile Platform Integrations

Integrate with mobile platforms already present in your business suite, such as LambdaTest and Sauce Labs, and CI/CD tools like Jenkins and Amazon Web Services

Testsigma Mobile Application Testing Capabilities

Capabilities that span across the basic testing requirements

Installation & UseSign up for free and start using on Cloud
Supported OSWindows, macOS, and Linux
Applications Supported for TestingNative, Hybrid, and Web applications
Test Case CreationIn simple, plain English
Testing Device3000+ Real devices and emulators
Testing PlatformsAndroid and iOS
Record & Playback OptionAvailable with advanced features
IntegrationsWith Bug Reporting, Product Management, CI/CD, Test Labs, and Collaboration Platforms

Main Challenges Of Mobile Application Testing

Testing across a plethora of devices, OS versions, screen sizes, and resolutions poses challenges in ensuring consistent performance and UI.
Mobile applications can be used on a variety of devices having different screen sizes, carrier settings, operating settings, and form factors; it becomes a challenge to account for all these while testing the app.
Ensuring app functionality across various platforms like iOS, Android, and others requires meticulous testing to address platform-specific nuances and behaviors.
Testing under varying network conditions, including different speeds and connectivity levels, is crucial to ensure app reliability and performance in real-world scenarios.
Ensuring app compatibility with different OS versions, device configurations, and third-party integrations requires thorough testing to mitigate compatibility issues and ensure a consistent user experience across all supported environments.
Implementing effective automated testing strategies helps streamline testing processes, but challenges such as handling diverse device configurations and maintaining test scripts' reliability need to be addressed for successful automation.
Optimizing app performance and minimizing resource consumption across various devices and OS versions is essential for delivering a smooth user experience and preventing issues like crashes or slowdowns.
Addressing security vulnerabilities and protecting user data necessitates comprehensive testing to identify and mitigate potential risks, ensuring the app′s integrity and user trust.
Testing functionalities reliant on device features like GPS, camera, and sensors requires validation across different device models to ensure compatibility and reliability.

Best Practices for Mobile Application Testing

Best Practices for Mobile Application Testing
  • Define clear test objectives before creating and executing the tests.

  • Test the application on a variety of real devices, rather than simulators and emulators.

  • Identify key user scenarios and use cases to prioritize the test cases.

  • Implement mobile automated testing wherever possible to increase test coverage, reduce manual effort, and speed up release cycles.

  • Prioritize testing on certain devices and operating systems according to the expected usage by the target audience, as it may not be possible to execute tests for all the devices, networks, and operating systems.

  • Pay attention to app performance, including responsiveness, load times, battery consumption, and resource usage.

  • Perform thorough security testing.

  • Perform regression testing after each update or code change.

  • Conduct exploratory testing to uncover unexpected issues, evaluate usability, and validate user flows.


Frequently Asked Questions

How is mobile testing different from Web testing?

Mobile testing is for testing mobile-based applications whereas, web testing is a software testing practice which tests web applications or websites. Mobile testing is generally more complex than web testing considering the challenges involved with mobile devices such as device fragmentation, different operating systems, different network carriers, device storage, varied screen sizes, among others which are not much of a concern in web testing. Web apps comparatively are much easier to test but they are more basic in terms of functionality.

Which factors should you consider while selecting a Mobile automation tool?

Who Perform Mobile App Testing?

How does Mobile App Testing benefit your business?