


10 Best User Acceptance Testing Tools (UAT)

User acceptance testing is an important process in software development, ensuring that an application or system meets the requirements and expectations of its end users. User acceptance testing tools are software applications that assist in automating the process of testing software applications for user acceptance.


In this post, we will explore the importance of User Acceptance Testing Tools and their benefits for software development. We will look at the features and limitations of the top 10 user acceptance testing tools that you can use for your project.

What is User Acceptance Testing?

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is a type of software testing that focuses on verifying whether a software application meets the needs and expectations of end users. The goal of User Acceptance Testing is to ensure that the software is ready for release. And that it will perform as expected when it is used by customers.

UAT is typically performed towards the end of the software development life cycle when the software is close to being released. The testing is conducted from the end user’s perspective. This is to identify any potential issues or usability problems that might impact the user experience. The end users or their representatives are typically involved in the testing process to ensure that the software meets their specific needs.

Example of User Acceptance Testing

Suppose you have a website for booking travel tickets. The website has been developed, and now it is time for User Acceptance Testing (UAT) before the website can be launched.

Firstly, you need to identify the end-users or stakeholders who will participate in the UAT process. These may include travel agents, frequent travelers, or even individuals who have never booked travel tickets online.

Next, you will need to develop a UAT plan that outlines the scope, objectives, and test scenarios for the testing process. The plan should include a list of functional requirements. This includes searching for flights, selecting seats, and making payments, as well as non-functional requirements, such as website speed and usability.

The UAT process will involve the end-users or stakeholders performing the test scenarios outlined in the UAT plan. They will provide feedback on their experience using the website and report any issues or defects that they encounter. The testing process should be documented, and any defects or issues should be tracked. They should be resolved before the website is launched.

For example, during the UAT process, a stakeholder might try to book a flight from New York to London. But he encounters an error when trying to make the payment. This issue should be recorded, and the development team should work to resolve it before the website is launched.

Once the UAT process is complete, the results should be reviewed. This is to ensure that all the requirements have been met and the website is ready for launch. Any defects or issues that were identified during the UAT process should be resolved, and the website should be retested to ensure that they have been resolved.

Importance of User Acceptance Testing Tools

UAT is a critical step in the development lifecycle, and it requires careful planning, execution, and management to be successful. One of the most important tools for managing UAT is a UAT tool, which can help automate and streamline the testing process. Let’s have a look at the importance of UAT tools.

  • A UAT tool helps to automate and streamline the UAT process, making it more efficient and effective. They can automate repetitive tasks, reducing manual efforts and improving testing accuracy. With UAT tools, testing teams can easily collaborate and share test results. This makes it easier to identify issues and track progress.

  • UAT tools can improve productivity by providing a standardized testing process. It ensures that all testing is carried out consistently, reducing errors and inconsistencies. With standardized testing processes, testing teams can focus on more critical tasks. This includes identifying issues and improving the user experience.

  • They provide better visibility into the testing process, making it easier to manage. They provide dashboards and reports that help project managers and stakeholders track progress and identify issues. With better visibility, project managers can identify and address potential issues before they become problems. This ensures that the project stays on track.

  • UAT tools can help ensure that applications are of high quality and perform as expected. By identifying issues or defects early in the development cycle, UAT tools can help save high costs for organizations and reduce the risk of failure. They can also help ensure that applications meet the needs and expectations of end-users, improving user satisfaction and loyalty.

Best Tools for Automated User Acceptance Testing

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is a crucial part of software development. Therefore, selecting the right UAT tool is essential for ensuring the quality and usability of your software.

There are 2 types of tools that you may need to execute your automated user acceptance tests.

  1. Tools that let you automate your tests after user acceptance testing has been done.

  2. Tools that let you execute your user acceptance testing.

  3. Let’s first start with the top tools that let you automate your test cases. Then, we will discuss the top 10 tools for user acceptance testing.

Top 3 Test Automation Tools To Automate Your Acceptance Tests


Testsigma User acceptance testing tools

Testsigma is a cloud-based test automation platform that provides a unique AI-powered approach to user acceptance testing. It offers features such as codeless test creation, cross-browser testing, integration with popular tools, and AI-powered testing, making it a powerful and efficient tool for testing complex software applications.

Features of Testsigma

  • Automate easily in simple English: With TestSigma, you can write test scripts in simple English language without requiring any coding skills. This feature makes it easy for non-technical team members to contribute to the test automation process, resulting in faster and more efficient testing.
  • Start test automation in minutes: It offers an intuitive user interface that allows you to start test automation quickly and easily. With its built-in features and pre-built test libraries, you can start automating your acceptance within minutes of setting up your account.
  • Automate for web, mobile & APIs from the same place: It allows you to automate acceptance tests for web applications, mobile applications, and APIs from a single platform. This feature saves time and effort by eliminating the need to switch between different tools to automate tests for different platforms.
  • Save time on your test maintenance with AI-supported built-in features: TestSigma offers AI-supported built-in features that help you save time on test maintenance. These features include auto-healing tests, auto-updating test scripts, and auto-correcting test failures, reducing manual intervention.
  • Easy and efficient test execution on the cloud: Testsigma cloud provides a cloud-based platform for executing tests, which makes it easy and efficient to run tests on different devices and platforms. This feature eliminates the need to set up and maintain test environments, which can be time-consuming and expensive.
  • Debug with the help of screenshots, videos, and logs easily: TestSigma provides detailed logs, screenshots, and videos for every test run, which makes it easy to identify and debug issues. This feature helps in quickly resolving issues, resulting in faster test cycles and improved software quality.
  • Get reports that you can customize according to your needs: It offers customizable reports that allow you to get insights into test execution and results. You can customize the reports to match your specific needs and requirements, which makes it easy to track progress and identify areas for improvement.
  • Setup all your review and collaboration processes on the cloud: It provides a cloud-based platform for setting up review and collaboration processes. This feature makes it easy to share test scripts, collaborate with team members, and get feedback, resulting in faster and more efficient testing.
  • Easily integrate with CI/CD tools: it offers easy integration with popular CI/CD tools, including Jenkins, CircleCI, and TeamCity. This feature allows you to seamlessly integrate test automation into your existing development process, resulting in faster and more reliable software releases.
  • Access your tests from anywhere anytime: It provides a cloud-based platform that allows you to access your tests from anywhere at any time. This feature makes it easy to work remotely and collaborate with team members in different locations. Hence, you manage your web, mobile, API, and desktop test automation process from a single location.
  • Helpful support that is there for you 24x7: It provides 24x7 support to help you with any issues or questions that you may have. This feature ensures that you always have access to help when you need it, resulting in faster issue resolution and improved software quality.

Steps to create a user acceptance test in Testsigma

  1. Open the Testsigma platform and navigate to the “Test Cases” tab.
  2. Click on the “Create New Test Case” button.
  3. Select the type of test you want to create, such as “Acceptance Test.”
  4. Follow the prompts to create the test, using Testsigma’s intuitive codeless test creation process.
  5. Once the test is created, execute it to identify any issues that need to be addressed.

Pricing model

  • Testsigma is available as both an open-source and a premium version on the cloud.

If you’re looking for a powerful and efficient tool to automate your acceptance tests, Testsigma is an excellent choice. With its advanced features and intuitive user interface, Testsigma makes it easy to create and execute tests. This ensures that your software applications are of the highest quality.

Seamlessly automate repeatable User Acceptance Tests in simple English with Testsigma.


Tricentis Qtest

TOSCA is a model-based testing tool that allows users to create automated tests based on business processes. It provides a wide range of test automation capabilities, including API testing, GUI testing, mobile testing, and data-driven testing. TOSCA is known for its robust reporting capabilities, which enable users to generate detailed reports on test execution.


  • Model-based test automation to create tests based on business processes
  • Supports API testing, GUI testing, mobile testing, and data-driven testing
  • Strong reporting capabilities for detailed test execution reports
  • Integrates with various CI/CD tools for continuous testing
  • Provides image-based testing for easy maintenance of tests
  • Offers a flexible test data management system for data-driven testing


  • Complex tool requiring significant time and effort to learn and implement
  • Does not support simple English language for test case creation
  • Can be expensive for small teams or individual testers


TestComplete - UAT tool

TestComplete is a UI testing tool that provides record and playback capabilities to create automated tests. It is a popular tool for creating UI tests for web and desktop applications.


  • Record and playback capabilities for easy test creation
  • Supports multiple scripting languages, including Python, VBScript, and JavaScript
  • Offers a range of test automation capabilities, including functional testing, regression testing, and load testing
  • Integrates with various CI/CD tools for continuous testing
  • Provides visual testing to capture and compare images of UI elements
  • Offers a flexible object recognition engine for easy test maintenance


  • Limited support for mobile testing, with no support for testing native mobile apps
  • Limited integration options with third-party tools and frameworks
  • Can be expensive for small teams or individual testers, with pricing based on a subscription model

Having discussed the top 3 test automation tools for acceptance testing, now let’s discuss the 10 best user acceptance testing tools in the market that deal with real user testing.

10 Best User Acceptance Testing Tools



Hotjar is a user testing and feedback tool that allows you to understand how users interact with your website. By providing insights into how users navigate your site, Hotjar helps you identify areas where improvements can be made. This makes it an essential tool for user acceptance testing.

Features of HotJar

  • Heatmaps: It provides heatmaps that show where users are clicking and scrolling on your website. This provides valuable insight into which areas of your site are the most popular or engaging. This feature is especially useful for identifying areas that may require further testing or optimization.
  • User recordings:Hotjar also offers user recordings that allow you to see how users interact with your site in real-time. By watching these recordings, you can identify any usability issues or pain points that users may be experiencing, helping you to optimize your site for user acceptance.
  • Feedback polls: It allows you to create custom feedback polls that prompt users to provide feedback on specific areas of your site. This feedback can be invaluable for identifying areas that require further testing or optimization.
  • Surveys: Hotjar also offers surveys that allow you to gather in-depth feedback from your users. By asking specific questions about your site or product, you can gain valuable insights into user acceptance and satisfaction.
  • Funnel analysis: It provides funnel analysis tools. They allow you to track how users move through your site, from initial visits to final conversions. This feature is essential for identifying any bottlenecks or areas where users may be dropping off. In this way, you can optimize your site for user acceptance.


  1. Hotjar’s focus is primarily on user testing and feedback, rather than comprehensive testing or debugging.
  2. Its features are focused on website testing and may not be as suitable for testing mobile or desktop applications.

Overall, Hotjar is an excellent tool for user acceptance testing. They offer a range of valuable features that can help you optimize your site for maximum user satisfaction.


User brain

UserBrain is a remote user testing tool that allows you to get feedback from real users about your website or application. With UserBrain, you can test your site’s usability and user experience, making it an essential tool for user acceptance testing.

Features of UserBrain

  • Remote user testing: UserBrain allows you to get feedback from real users around the world, providing valuable insight into how users from different backgrounds and locations interact with your site.
  • Screen recordingsIt provides screen recordings of each user’s interaction with your site, allowing you to see exactly how users are navigating and interacting with your site.
  • Task-based testing: UserBrain allows you to create specific tasks for users to complete, such as filling out a form or navigating to a specific page. This feature is essential for testing specific user flows and identifying areas where users may get stuck or confused.
  • Detailed feedback: It provides detailed feedback from each user, including their overall impression of your site, any usability issues they encountered, and suggestions for improvement.



Zephyr is a comprehensive test management tool that includes support for user acceptance testing. With its intuitive interface and advanced features, Zephyr is a popular choice for managing testing activities across the entire software development lifecycle.

Features of Zephyr

  • Test case management: Zephyr allows you to create and manage test cases for user acceptance testing, making it easy to organize and execute tests.
  • Test execution:It provides a powerful platform for executing user acceptance tests, including the ability to track test results and automatically generate reports.
  • Integrations: Zephyr integrates with a variety of other testing tools and platforms, including JIRA, Confluence, and Bamboo, making it easy to integrate testing activities into your overall software development workflow.
  • Real-time collaboration: It includes powerful collaboration features, allowing multiple users to work on the same test case simultaneously and providing real-time updates to all team members.

Limitations of Zephyr

  • Zephyr’s pricing may be a limiting factor for small teams or organizations with limited budgets.
  • Some users have reported issues with the platform’s user interface, particularly around the complexity of certain features and workflows.

Overall, Zephyr is a powerful and comprehensive tool for user acceptance testing, providing advanced features for test management and execution. To learn more about Zephyr and start using it for your own testing needs, visit their website.



Amplitude is a comprehensive product analytics tool that includes support for user acceptance testing. With its powerful analytics capabilities and advanced features, Amplitude is a popular choice for managing testing activities across the entire product development lifecycle.

Features of Amplitude

  • User behavior tracking: Amplitude allows you to track user behavior across your product, making it easy to identify areas for improvement and optimize user acceptance testing activities.
  • Data visualization:It provides powerful data visualization capabilities, making it easy to interpret complex user data and identify trends and patterns in user behavior.
  • Experimentation: Amplitude includes advanced experimentation features, allowing you to test hypotheses and validate changes before rolling them out to users.
  • Integrations: It integrates with a variety of other product development tools and platforms, including Segment, Slack, and Salesforce, making it easy to integrate testing activities into your overall product development workflow.

Limitations of Amplitude

  • Amplitude’s advanced analytics and reporting features may require some level of technical expertise to fully leverage, which could be a limitation for teams without this expertise.
  • The platform’s pricing model may also be a limiting factor for small teams or organizations with limited budgets.

Overall, Amplitude is a powerful tool for user acceptance testing, providing advanced analytics capabilities and experimentation features to help you optimize your testing activities.



Maze is a user testing and research platform that provides powerful tools for user acceptance testing. With its intuitive interface and advanced features, Maze is a popular choice for teams looking to optimize their testing activities and improve the user experience.

Features of Maze

  • Rapid prototyping: Maze allows you to quickly prototype user flows and test them with real users, making it easy to identify and address issues early in the development process.
  • User testing:With Maze, you can easily conduct user testing activities, including A/B testing, user surveys, and usability testing, to gather feedback from real users and improve your product.
  • Analytics and reporting: It provides powerful analytics and reporting features, allowing you to track user behavior and identify trends and patterns in user activity.
  • Collaboration: It includes collaboration features that make it easy for teams to work together on testing activities, share feedback, and collaborate on solutions.

Limitations of Maze

  • Maze’s features may be more focused on usability testing and user research and may not be the best choice for teams primarily focused on user acceptance testing.
  • Some users have reported issues with the platform’s performance and reliability, particularly when dealing with large datasets.

Maze’s focus on user research and usability testing may make it less suitable for teams primarily focused on user acceptance testing. The platform’s reliance on user feedback may also introduce some subjectivity into the testing process, which could be a limitation for teams seeking more objective results.



UserReport is a user feedback and survey tool that can also be used for user acceptance testing. It enables users to collect feedback, analyze it, and make data-driven decisions for their products or services.

UserReport Features

  • UserReport offers various feedback collection options, including surveys, feedback buttons, and polls.
  • The tool allows users to segment feedback by user type, demographics, and other criteria, providing insights into specific user groups.
  • The platform integrates with various analytics and CRM tools, allowing users to centralize their customer data.

Limitations of UserReport

  • The range of user acceptance testing features in UserReport may be more limited compared to other specialized UAT tools.
  • Some users have reported issues with the platform’s user interface, finding it less intuitive than other feedback and survey tools.

Overall, UserReport is a solid option for teams looking for a user feedback tool that can also support their UAT efforts. However, for teams with more specialized UAT needs or those looking for more comprehensive testing features, a dedicated UAT tool may be more appropriate.


User Testing

UserTesting is a user research and testing platform that allows businesses to collect user feedback and insights to optimize their products or services. The tool offers various testing options, including user acceptance testing, usability testing, and A/B testing.

UserTesting Features

  • UserTesting allows users to conduct remote user testing with real users, providing valuable insights into user behavior and preferences.
  • The tool offers various testing methods, including moderated and unmoderated tests, screen recordings, and survey questions.
  • The platform integrates with other testing and analytics tools, providing users with a comprehensive view of their product performance.

Limitations of UserTesting

  • Limited customization options for test scenarios and user criteria.
  • Higher pricing plans might not be affordable for smaller businesses.
  • Limited to testing on desktop and mobile devices only.



UsabilityHub is a user acceptance testing tool that offers various features to help you get insights into the user experience of your website or application. It provides different testing methods to evaluate different aspects of user acceptance testing, such as ease of use, user interface, and user experience.


  • Offers various testing methods such as five-second tests, click tests, preference tests, and others
  • Provides a suite of tools to test different aspects of user experience
  • Offers the ability to create custom tests to fit your specific needs
  • Provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for test creation and analysis


  • One of the limitations of UsabilityHub is its pricing model, which can be expensive for small businesses or individuals.
  • Another limitation is that the number of responses you can receive for a test is limited, which can be a problem if you are testing a product with a large user base.
  • Limited customization options for test scenarios and user criteria.

Crazy Egg


Crazy Egg is a user acceptance testing tool that allows website owners to track and analyze user behavior on their sites. With its powerful heat map and scroll map tools, it helps users to understand how visitors interact with their site’s content and design and optimize it accordingly. Here are some of the key features of Crazy Egg:


  • Heat map and scroll map: These tools help users to see where visitors are clicking and scrolling on their site, and identify areas of high and low engagement.
  • A/B testing:Crazy Egg offers A/B testing capabilities that allow users to compare different versions of their site’s design or content and determine which one performs better.
  • Session recording: This feature allows users to watch recordings of individual visitor sessions on their site, and gain insights into their behavior and preferences.
  • Overlay report: The overlay report shows the number of clicks on each element of a page, allowing users to see which parts of their site are receiving the most attention.
  • Integration with other tools: Crazy Egg integrates with a variety of other tools, such as Google Analytics and Shopify, to provide a more complete picture of website performance.


  • Limited customization: Some users may find that Crazy Egg’s reporting and customization options are somewhat limited compared to other user acceptance testing tools.
  • Limited free trial: Crazy Egg only offers a 21-day free trial, which may not be enough time for some users to evaluate its capabilities fully.
  • Limited support options: The tool’s support options are limited to email and chat, which may not be sufficient for some users who require more personalized assistance.

Crazy Egg is a powerful and user-friendly user acceptance testing tool that provides valuable insights into website visitor behavior. Its heat map and scroll map tools are particularly useful for identifying areas of high and low engagement, while its A/B testing capabilities allow users to optimize their site’s design and content for maximum impact. While it may not offer the same level of customization and support options as some other tools, it is a great choice for users who want a simple and affordable way to improve their website’s performance.


In conclusion, user acceptance testing is a critical step in ensuring the quality and usability of software applications. With the help of user acceptance testing tools, businesses can identify and fix issues before releasing their product to the market, ensuring that users have a positive experience.

The ten user acceptance testing tools we discussed in this article offer various features and pricing models to meet the needs of different businesses. It’s essential to carefully evaluate the criteria mentioned earlier before selecting the appropriate tool. By doing so, businesses can make informed decisions and maximize the effectiveness of their user acceptance testing process.

Like any type of testing, user acceptance testing is done with real users first. But, once the feedback from user acceptance testing has been incorporated and the features are stable, the next obvious step is to automate those test cases. We need a tool to do that automation.

If you are looking for a reliable and efficient testing tool for automating your acceptance tests, Testsigma could be the perfect solution for you. With its advanced features and easy-to-use interface, it can help you streamline your UAT process and ensure high-quality software releases. Don’t miss the opportunity to try out Testsigma for yourself.

Seamlessly automate repeatable User Acceptance Tests in simple English with Testsigma.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Selenium a UAT?

Selenium is not a UAT tool specifically, but it can be used for automation of acceptance tests. Selenium is an open-source automation testing framework primarily used for the cross-browser testing of web applications. With the help of Selenium, testers can automate the acceptance tests, ensuring that the application meets the requirements of the end users. However, it’s important to note that Selenium alone may not be sufficient for all aspects of UAT and may need to be combined with other tools for a complete UAT solution.

What are the 4 types of acceptance testing?

What are the two types of UAT?