In this newsletter, we try to understand what composes the most part of the daily lives of us testers and then dive into some content catered to those broad categories.
Thus, below is how the sections in our newsletter look like, this week:
Let’s dive in!
Software testing tips
Too Much Test Automation
Best results are achieved by balance, this article discusses how to keep your goals in view at all times and avoid doing too much of test automation.
Testing Payments : Not Just The Test Cases
Fintech is a huge industry and a good amount of testing is needed there too. Here is some good advice on how to go about testing payments, one of the most dreaded types of testing.
As Testers, How To Unblock Yourself?
Some strategies that you can adapt when your testing tasks are blocked.
What Happens When Your First Coding Experience Is Test Automation?
Couple of tips for a tester who is new to test automation and coding.
Quality Is A Journey – But Do You Know Your Destination?
How do you keep your software testing productive at all times? Annie Marrie explains with a great analogy.
How To Test Randomness?
How do you check that an application is truly generating random numbers?
Flaky tests
How Do You Test Your Tests?
Where the authors found that almost all tests were flaky, the degree of flakiness varied – here is how Facebook handles those flaky or unreliable tests.
Jenkins Flaky-Test-Handler Plugin
A plugin designed to handle flaky tests by re-running failed tests, aggregating and reporting flaky tests statistics and so on.
Testing jargons
💡 Where Does Shallow Testing End And Deep Testing Begin?
A great discussion where different professionals present their views on shallow testing and deep testing.
How Reindeers Browse The Web – An Access Story
How to do accessibility testing right? Explained beautifully for a reindeer – a great Christmas read for testers!
Beyond testing skills
Tester’s Diary : Learning From Developers
How a tester built a great relationship with a developer and thus, became a better team member.
Lessons Learned About Leadership, From Perspective Of An Aspiring Leader
If the next goal of your career is to be a leader, then this is a great compilation of things you should be doing or thinking about.
💡 You’ve Got Issues
So, who is responsible for the bugs that could not be found before they went into production?
Supporting The Whistleblowers
Who are the whistleblowers in the tech industry and do we treat them well? If not, how can that be improved?
Hope you enjoyed this week’s picks.
Until next, see ya!
With 💚,
Team Testsigma